Draw words in creative way🤩

Draw the chosen word in creative way & let the players to be guessed the words.😀 Happy Drawing😊

Schedios.io – Online Multiplayer Game

Schedios.io is one of the most popular io game of Applatoons family. Play with your friends, family or with world and show your drawing skills.😎

schedios.io concept art

As we were thinking about the best way to create the layout for schedios.io, one of the two creators of schedios.io, the non-dev guy, came up with this following:

Meet the creators

We are a two people team divided in a very typical way: where one is the “dev” guy and the other is “everything-but-dev” guy. Their names are heckle and jeckle (just kidding!) Our goals is to build great applications and games – focused at online and multiplayer. We both are open to any questions, suggestions,… Continue reading Meet the creators

Categorized as design, team